Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Honey Roasted Peach

I love peaches. They're almost a nostalgia thing for me. We built our house that I grew up in and we planted 2 peach trees in the backyard. When they first started producing peaches, my sisters and I were so excited. My grandmother would make homemade peach cobbler. My favorite breakfast was peaches and sugar, while my grandfather, D-daddy, would always have his with milk. I love peaches.

I was browsing Pinterest the other day and found a peach recipe. The only problem was it called for a heavy cream sauce to go on top. I decided I could manipulate it enough to where it's still a healthy dessert! I made it and.... you probably guessed it... Duck Dude declared it his favorite thing I have ever made. It's good y'all.

You need 4 ingredients and that's it!

And as my very wise mother once told me, "Don't let your nuts burn." I used the same pan because I had some room. You could just as easily slip another cookie sheet in with almonds. 

You can see I made 2 whole peaches for Duck Dude and myself. I can definitely say one half would have been enough for me. I even entertained the idea of putting ice cream with it... and I don't even like ice cream... and then it wouldn't be quite as healthy... but it would make a pretty presentation! 


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