Monday, January 6, 2014

My Actual List of Revolutions

I laugh every time I watch the AT&T commercial and the little kid says his "New Year's Revolution is to eat more jelly beans." I think it's hilarious. So I came up with my own list of revolutions for the New Year... because revolution sounds a lot cooler than resolutions. 

1. In a world of over-indulgence, I revolt to be more healthy. See my first post of the year. If you're wondering how I am doing, I kinda just started today. But I had a banana and almonds for breakfast. So I'm patting myself on my back for the first 3 hours. 

2. In a world where the average American watches 34 hours of tv a week, I revolt to read more. I crossed off Serena from my Xmas break list, and I was so engulfed by the story I read it during the Oklahoma vs Alabama bowl game!! I love reading and I did not do enough of it in 2012. I already have know which books I want to read first. 
     A. The Book Thief. I have not seen the movie and I will read it before I do. 

     B. Lone Survivor. Duck Dude has said he wants to read this book! So we're going to read it together... awww so couple-y, but I'm excited. We will wait to see the movie as well! 

     C. Divergent. Because all of my kids are reading the series and I like to be able to talk about things other than sports with them. The movie is set to release in March of 2014.

3. In a world of technology, I revolt to write more hand written letters. I'm not artistic and I cannot write in cursive, but I can find ways to spruce letters up! 

4. In a world where iphone pics are nice pictures, I want to revolt not to use my iphone for pictures. I want to be intentional about using my camera more! The first reason being I have zero space on my iphone and I literally cannot take pictures on it anymore and the second being because my camera is fantastic and the pictures are much better quality! Take my model Koal for example!


5. In a world where you can literally count how many friends you have on social media, I revolt to grow my friendships. That includes family and friends. The real friends, not my facebook friends. The I'll be there whenever and wherever you need me to be friends. The friends I'll probably be sending those hand written letters to. And the friends that have helped to shape me into the person I am today, January 6th, 2014. 

And there you have it! My list of revolutions for 2014. Hooray!

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