Monday, February 2, 2015

Showered with Everything!

Our showers have concluded and they were each so unique, so special, and we have felt so incredibly loved!! We have an enormous pile of things in our living room and we cannot wait to begin to put everything in its "spot." It's picture overload, but it's totally necessary!

Shower #1 - My church shower... given at Man BFF's house!
Favorite food: Gluten Free Sausage Balls
Favorite decoration: Man BFF's mom comes from a "blended" marriage. An aggie and a bear. The canvas she painted for us is below!
Favorite memory from this day: The fact that the Spitler girls came! I haven't seen them in so long and was so excited they were able to make it!!

Shower #2 - Duck Dude's church shower... given at his best man's house!
Favorite food: Cheesecake for sure... it was on the wedding diet that day. 
Favorite decoration: The Travis and Mollie above the mantle. It was so pretty!
Favorite memory from this day: When we pulled up and had our own parking sign out in front!! It was greatness!!

Shower #3 - Couples Shower... given at Duck Dude's aunt's house!
Favorite food: Obviously, it has to be the brisket... but the mashed potatoes are a very close second.
Favorite decoration: The shotgun shells with pictures in them! How adorable is that!!
Favorite memory from this day: Opening our "off the registry" item that Duck Dude's sister has been tempting me with for a while now! We love our "sic em" and "gig em" signs!! They are absolutely perfect!! 

Have a happy Monday!!!

Countdown to Trollie Wedding:
33 Days!!!


  1. Woaaahh you're only a month away - how amazing!! I love that each of your churches had a shower for you! I absolutely love those picture holders from the shotgun shells and the reserved parking :) Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. The shotgun shells were definitely a hit! And from what I hear pretty easy to make!

  2. You are only a month away? Oh my goodness that is so exciting! Love all of these showers you both had.

    Thanks for linking-up with us!

    1. Right? I swear I just got engaged!!! But somehow it's been 250 days and now I'm only a month away!!

  3. Your showers look like so much fun! I love all of the things you got, especially the college themed items. 33 days is going to fly by, congrats!

    1. Thank you so much!! They really were fun! So many people had told me they were stressful, but I had a great time!!
