Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Possibly Worth Attempting

Thanks to the help of a friend yesterday, I got an excellent lead on a cake place annnd a flower place over closer to my venue than in north Dallas! Duck Dude booked the bartenders and got started on some leads for the DJ! So, I spent last night pondering hair styles. 
How do I want my hair to look in a picture that's going to be around for the rest of my life? Just a small question. 
The Ridiculous


Woah. Woah. I can't even. No.

The It's Not Gonna Work With My Hair
I'm blessed with thin, just starting to hold curl for maybe a whole day hair. Braids and twists do not work in my hair, you have to use all of my hair to get a twist half as thick as some of these. Nope.


Possibly Worth Attempting
As my volleyball girls told me this week, "You wear your hair half up and half down every day". It's my favorite. Is it super crazy to want to do my hair half up and half down for bridals and then do an undo for the wedding? Oh and I definitely don't want any floppies in my face. Too annoying.


Opinions are definitely welcome! Glad to be back at the wedding link-up!! 

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