Left: Mine and mom's home sweet home for the weekend! Yes, you can see our tent for miles. It is an 11 x 11 space of awesomeness. Right: This was my favorite view of the entire weekend. We hiked all the way to the top of the mountain and we were all out of breath, but check out that view. Worth it!!!
Left: Here we are at the base of the waterfall! We're so cute! Right: All I really want you to notice about this picture is my fanny pack. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty convenient. It held my phone and my sunflower seeds..... and I looked pretty cool.
Left and Right: Hannah and I were notorious for climbing in and on things while growing up, so we were ready to squeeze through this little opening to get into a cave! Definitely not for the claustrophobic.
Left: Did I mention I like to climb things? If something looks difficult, I take it as a personal challenge. I love challenges. This was a cool arch, that I decided I would climb into and look out. Right: I'm glad I did, because this was the view from where I'm sitting on the left. Props to God on that one.
Left: Would you like regular pancakes or chocolate chip pancakes? Would you like cheese in your grits? Right: Our set up before the wind kicked in. We cooked most of the other meals in the shelter so everything wouldn't blow away.
Left: You can't have camping without smores! And yes, I eat mine without chocolate. Right: My tending to the fire skills are excellent. I have perfected the art of a glorious camping fire.
And my family has perfected the art of a wonderful camping weekend full of conversations, laughing, hiking, and good food!
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