Monday, March 31, 2014

Toast to March

Here we are again. Time to acknowledge the small things that happened during the most recent 31 days. Things that maybe didn't need a full blog, but deserve to be archived forever on the internets. 

Here's to Pinterest project that has been sitting on my kitchen craft table since November. I'm about an hours worth of work away from finishing. Maybe that will happen tonight, maybe I'll be talking about it in toast for April. 

Here's to the first lake trip. It wasn't successful, but at least our trailer didn't fall off while we were backing it down the ramp. Poor teenagers. They provided some excellent people watching. 

Here's to this kitchen. Because it had three dishwashers. One specifically for wine glasses. And I need that in my life. 

Here's to a chance meeting with a couple that led to an invite for a crawfish boil and even being invited for the "hot tub" party that happens post crawfish boil. 

Here's to Duck dude getting stuffed by a 6 foot rim at neighbor dinner on Friday. And here's to his reaction. And here's to him not getting upset because I just put it on blast. The rim was basically Lebron.

Here's to Saturday funday. Because we have found that they work a lot better than Sunday funday. 

Here's to Duck Dude's best friend asking me to take her baby to "Mommy and Me" swim lessons with her 1 year old in June. I feel honored that she finds me responsible enough to do so. 

Here's to this tweet that made me laugh out loud. It combines my love of math and my 13 year old girls who "literally die" whenever something is happening to them.

April. You are a joke. You are especially funny since you start off with Staar testing. Everyone loves standardized testing. Bring it on. 

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