Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fantasy Baseball

If you know me at all... you know my love of sports.. and especially baseball.

But for the first time ever, I am playing fantasy baseball with Julie! We're both super busy and figured we could tag team and work together since we've both never done it before. We were on the phone together during the draft and that's when I knew it was an excellent decision. Even the draft was full of laughs and possibly drafting players only because they were "hott"! :) 

We're playing with a group of girls, so there's a little less pressure! Mainly were all doing it for fun, but I have a feeling my competitive side will kick in... seeing I've checked the website once every day so far! ha 

I never wanted to play because I thought it would mess up my loyalties to the Rangers... but I feel in baseball it's easy to root for individual players to do well as long as my Rangers keep winning! So if I ever mention my fantasy team, that's what I am talking about!! 

So I'm officially rooting for the Rangers this season..... and my fantasy team!!! Yaaay baseball season!!!

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