Friday, September 10, 2010

What? Progress Reports!?

It's progress report time already!! I have to have my grades in by the time I leave on Monday. This means I have brought home a TON of work to grade over the weekend. Not only that, but because our complete email server crashed last weekend I also have had to re-enter my 125 parent email addresses!! I just completed those and so I will be ready to send out my newsletter on Monday morning! Yesss! On top of everything today, I've had a migraine and had my first day where it really was a struggle to get through the entire day. I kept telling myself as long as I didn't get sick in the middle of class, I would be ok! :) I got home and immediately took my mom's big prescription pill and feel much better; however, I am probably going to sleep right after I finish writing this!

Next week are my first tests in both my accelerated class and on-level class!!!!! I am so excited to see how well the students do and I do understand some won't do well. I feel like I have taught everything to the best of my ability and it is the kids responsibility from here!! I am still loving everything and seriously have the best co-workers around me ever. I sat in on my first parent conference this morning. While one teacher is having more trouble than I am with a kid, she invited me to come just so I could be in one together before I had to do one alone! I've already learned parents will always make excuses, but we have to try and get them to tell us how we are going to work around the issues. My principal saw me in the hall and stopped me just to tell me what a great job I was doing! (It's always good to hear that, no matter how confident you are!!) One of my professional development ladies also came in this morning and she just kept telling me "what good authority I had over the classroom" and I had "such poise"..... I just kept thinking to myself... well I better have authority over them!!! ha 

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have a time in my life where I can soley focus on my career and totally being the best I can be. 

I have been in constant, constant communication with my possible illustrator this week over all sorts of details! I should have a test page by Monday and then hopefully I can make a decision if he will be my official illustrator. So far, I have really liked his in-depth questions for me and how he's incorporating me into everything. I don't think of myself as an author so I've kind of said do whatever, but the more questions he asks, the more I realize I do know exactly what I want!

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