Saturday, May 23, 2009

Leading by Example

Growing up in a christian home has allowed me to hear the phrase "lead by example" for many years - to the point where I just think, "Yeah, yeah be a good example." I don't know if everyone is aware of my roommate situation. My relationship with my newest roommate (the one I share a bathroom with) has slowly deteriorated throughout this last year. This has led to her decision to move out for the next year, which is really an answer to prayer. We are still very cordial, we just weren't agreeing on some of the activities she was choosing to participate in. She was going home for the weekend and I was leaving to come home to Dallas; we didn't say bye, but when she got home she sent me this text message "'On Christ the solid rock I stand' song just came on in the car and I thought of you!" Reading this text made me realize maybe I was just supposed to be an example to her all year long. She obviously recognized my music and so who knows what else she learned from me. I guess this was the first time that I realized without knowing it I was leading by example.

All of this prompted me to find this verse: Psalm 71:7 "My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection."

So as cliche as it sounds this is a simple little reminder to myself to lead by example, because people are watching you whether you're conscious of it or not.

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