Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer Coming to A Close!

After what seemed like the shortest summer ever, I have made my last first trip down to Waco!! ha This is what I'm sure will be the first of many lasts for me! I like thinking of all the things that I've enjoyed for now 4 wonderful college years!! It's so crazy. I remember Move-In day like it was yesterday and all the excitement/nervousness/crazyness that went into that day. Now, mom is a veteran at having teenagers and even college students (just don't tell her I used the word veteran!).
After answering the question "at what school are you going to be teaching?" all summer with "I don't know yet, I find out Aug 20th".......tomorrow is August 20th!!! I really don't think I'm even nervous - I'm just anxious and want to find out! I think I've done a good job of keeping my heart open and willing to go wherever they place me for my senior year. I would love to be back in the ghetto, I would consider it a blessing to be in a suburban ISD (much like I would experience in Dallas), and I would find it very interesting to be in a more rural ISD. It's astounding to think of how each and every ISD is so different around the Waco area even though they are all within 10 or 15 miles of each other! I would love to teach 8th graders again or have sweet, impressionable 6th graders again, or try 7th grade for a change! Wherever I am I hope God can use me to be a beacon for whoever needs to see him the most i.e. the children, my fellow teachers, the principal, the cafeteria staff, the counselors. There are so many people I will come into contact with daily that I have the opportunity to show them why I am who I am.
I pray that God would continue to work in the hearts that I will be working with daily and these first couple weeks are going to require a little more strength on my part because I am still mourning the loss of my dear friend, Emily Stuller, from this summer. I keep thinking of how she could have affected so many students this year and how her students will be missing out on an incredible teacher. I will miss her so much during these first couple weeks, but I thank God daily that she is hangin out with him in Heaven and I will be reunited with her one day.

I can't find the quote I want to put right here for now.. maybe I'll find it for tomorrow.

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