Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mind = Blown

Southern Hospitality vs. just being a nice person.

Southern Hospitality definition: “Showing graciousness, kindness, and warmth to others. Behavior that is altruistic.”

I’m not really sure if “vs” is the correct term in my first statement. I don’t find much difference between the two phrases above. I have begun eating lunch in the teacher’s lounge again; something I abandoned last year. I figured it’s a new year, and most of the new teachers are in there, so I want to set a good example! We’ve had some good lunch convos and I think we’re surprising the last of the older people that are in there! But I’m ok with all of that!

What I’m not ok with is the fact that while we were eating the other day something got said about the janitors in our school.
The lady that cleans our hall’s name is Raina and she is from Honduras. She has 11 siblings and three of her sisters are in the states. I practice my Spanish with her and she practices her English with me. Every day when I say bye to her she says, “God bless you Mollie.”
*Time in*
They kept calling her “the cleaning lady” and I finally stopped and said, “Are we talking about Raina?” Here’s where my mouth drops open. Their next statement was, “I don’t know her name.”

For some reason I immediately went into defense mode and blurted out, “Well, it’s Raina and if you want I’ll introduce you next time.”  

How could you not know her name?? She’s in your classroom every day after school cleaning up the mess that you and your 100 students left, scrubbing your white boards that you’ve been writing on, emptying your trash that you place in the trashcan. And you can’t even give her the decency to know her name? It was one of the first things I did when I got to this school and if I ever leave it will be one of the first things I do at my new school. I am so thankful for their positions. I am so thankful that I do not have to stay even later and clean my own classroom. I am grateful that they are here every day and that most of them have a day job in addition to their night cleaning at the school. How do my coworkers not value them? They can spend all day complaining how teachers are not valued in our society, however they do not value people within their own building.

How dare you. Show some southern hospitality… or how about this bright idea – just be nice. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Project Sat Part 1

Ok, you can't fault me, because I gave you a fair warning I have an obsession with anchors. However, I did not intend for these two posts to be back to back. Yesterday I had my last lazy Saturday until Nov 10th. October is gonna be cray (crazy, for you people that do not care for the abbrevs!). So I made some amazing chili (more on that another time), and settled in to watch some football. Cue the time where I decide I'll get on pinterest and just browse for a bit during halftime..... and lazy Saturday has now turned into project Saturday! 

I completed one of the projects yesterday though! Exciting, right? I still have 2 in progress though! I'll get those up eventually. So, I was wanting to change the "Oh how he loves me" sign in my room. Not that I still do not absolutely love that song. It just needed a change and I found exactly what I wanted: A bible verse with an anchor involved. I am most delighted in the fact that I free-handed the anchor myself and, while it's not perfect, I am definitely satisfied. It was an easy project that allowed me to continue to relax while working and still watching my football! 



More on the other projects when they get complete! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obsession with Anchors

Recently I’ve had this obsession with anchors. Why? Because I love the sea? Not really, I actually get extremely motion sick and hate “ridiing the waves”… I’d prefer to lay on the beach and watch them.

Because I love nautical fashion?? Well, kinda. This is not the reason behind my obsession of anchors but I do really, really love nautical fashion. Bring on the navy stripes and red! Love how clean it always looks.
Amazing. I want it all. 
My obsession of anchors comes from an old gospel song. The music minister in my church used to sing it all the time. And lately, it’s served as a good reminder that no matter what is going on in your life “the anchor holds.” Here is the chorus:
the anchor holds
though the ship is battered
the anchor holds
though the sails are torn
i have fallen on my knees
as i faced the raging seas
the anchor holds
in spite of the storm

Raging seas of life. Man, they can be brutal; but no matter how much you have been tossed around or how motion sick you are – God will always be your anchor. We have to trust in him even through the rough patches. Isn’t it great to know that as long as we have him holding us down, we can weather the storm?

That is why I have an obsession with anchors.

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” – Hebrews 6:19

(I told you it was old school...)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Devotional

I recently acquired a Barnes and Nobles gift card. I won't go into the pressure I feel when I walk into Barnes in Nobles... so many books and so many that I could possibly read. However, it's weird I feel I walk out with the perfect one every time. 

My most recent book is actually a book study/devotional and so far, it's amazing. I am normally leery of "Christian" devotionals... but I think God led me straight to this one. It's a book study over Ruth. I've always loved every sermon I've ever heard from Ruth and especially loved a dear friends wedding message that was from the book Ruth. This is a book written by Liz Curtis Higgs and it's basically Ruth, in modern times. Each chapter has a specific correlation: Chapter 1 is - Off to a Rocky Start (Ruth 1:1-5). It is easy to read and relate-able to many ages (My mom's already claimed it when I finish). My favorite part about it is I'm excited to dive back into it. It's not daunting and it doesn't make my head hurt trying to figure out exactly what God wanted me to get out of these 5 verses. 

There is a study guide and discussion questions in the back, so you could potentially use it as a book study as a group.  I'm already thinking forward to working with youth group girls and having a book study with them! I love it that much. Liz Curtis Higgs is also the author of the series "Bad Girls of the Bible", which I might have to check out after I finish learning all about Ruth. :) Have a fantastic week everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Scraping By...

Whew, made it through the last couple weeks. First day of school, volleyball tryouts, upset parents about volleyball tryouts, open house, making teams, all for our first game tomorrow!!!

Sorry for the lack of posts. I am going to be working extremely hard this year. My fellow coach has never played volleyball so until she learns by watching me, I’m attempting to coach all 3 teams. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my new coach; volleyball is just a learning process for someone who has never played or watched before!

My classes are going well. My accelerated classes are fantastic. My on level classes are getting there. I am amazed at how low some of my 7th grade students are; we spent 15 minutes filling out a 1 to 12 multiplication chart and some still only had it half way filled out. My class is 1/3 special ed and that just slows it down even more. I don’t think they’re accustomed to teachers still expecting a lot out of them, like me!

On the plus side, I have already had a visitor come in from administration of the district to film me talking about my new rules. I, apparently, told her about them at a training this summer and she remembered and asked to film me talking about them to show to the New Hires in the district! I told her I felt honored and would love to! She has already asked me to film several classes for her throughout the year so she can use as examples. It’s nice to know that someone is acknowledging all the work I put in throughout the year.

I have been asleep by 9:30 almost every night.. it’s exhausting. But the kids really do make it worth it; for example, someone just asked me, “Ms. Lindstrom, how do you do everything you do and still manage to dress so cute?”

Thank you little 12 year old, you just made my 11 hour day.